Landscape Mart

How to Eliminate Weeds From Your Lawn ?

It’s a constant problem which every property encounters – Those ugly, annoying, and harmful weeds that will try to ruin your lawn and garden. If you leave it uncontrolled it will damage the health and beauty of your outdoor space by taking away needed light, water, and space for your plantings to grow.

If you’re having to deal with weeds constantly and are sick of seeing them ruin your landscape, use these helpful tips from Landscape Mart to get rid of them for good and watch your lawn and garden turn perfect. 

Weed Control Tips

Chances are you have walked thru your property and noticed weeds peeking their ugly heads around your lawn and garden. This leads you to have to go through the pain of getting on your hands and knees and digging them out, it’s never fun but there are other options 

Here are some great tips from Landscape Mart to help you remove weeds from spreading and help you maintain the look of your landscape. 

 Mulch & Mulch some more….  

The best way to prevent weeds from taking over your yard is to cover them with mulch to keep them Weeds away from sunlight. Mulch keeps the soil for your plant life moist and cool and blocks sunlight so the weeds won’t germinate & multiply. There are several different types of mulch you can use, such as wood chips, pine needles, and straw. However, for appearance & functionality, Landscape Mart carries Hemlock/Fir Bark Mulch which is the ideal choice. Organic mulch such as Composted Bark is also a great option as it attracts crickets and carabid beetles that eat weed seeds. The ideal thickness you’d want to put down is 3 inches minimum for better results 4 to 6 inches. As well as mulching to existing plantings laying down Landscape Fabric is also an added guard of protection against weeds.

Chop The Heads Off

If you’re having issues with removing the weeds, you might think the best solution is to simply remove the heads using either pruning loppers or shears. Cutting off the heads has only a short-term benefit but the best solutions are to pull the weed out by the root or spray it with weed killer. 

Water Your Plants & Not Your Weeds

This is way easier said than done as it can be very tedious to water plants by hand while avoiding giving water to the weeds. We recommend using a drip irrigation system that sits beneath your mulch where it efficiently waters your plants but if your weeds are not treated first you will be watering your weeds too. Depriving weeds of water reduces seed growth by up to 70 percent, Now you know. 

Happy Landscaping from Landscape Mart ! 

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